What Animals Are in Algonquin?
Are there wolves? Will I see a moose? Do bears come through your site?
Wildlife watching is one of the number one reasons people come to Algonquin.
Just on the edge of Algonquin Park - home to 55 mammal species, 32 kinds of reptiles, and more than 140 species of birds - there is a lot of natural wonder and wildlife to experience.
We often get asked how to see animals in the park, and what kind of animals we see at Four Corners Algonquin.
The short answer is it’s all rather random, but we actually do see *all* of them at one point or another!
Read on to:
Get intel on which animals you may encounter
Learn how to have a safe and respectful experience with wildlife
Discover how to create the wilderness adventure you’re hoping for
Two Different Guests, Two Different Wildlife Experiences
Here are two REAL tales of actual guest experiences with wildlife in Algonquin.
An Unforgettable Wildlife Experience - Guest Experience:
Here’s what one of our guests experienced during a 48 hour stay with us in 2021:
Saw a bald eagle
Heard the call of a loon
Watched a moose in the grasslands
Listened to a wolf pack hunting at night
Saw a shooting star
Watched meteors cross the sky
Glimpsed the Milky Way
*This guest went canoeing, hiked Algonquin’s trails and spent the nights stargazing at our blast site
A Quiet Retreat - Guest Experience:
Here’s what another guest experienced during a 48 hour stay with us in 2021:
Fireflies dancing around the campfire
A squirrel running across the site
Gentle rainfall at night
*This guest spent a quite glamping getaway around the campfire and resting at their site
No two guest experiences are the same here at Four Corners Algonquin, but there are steps you can take to increase the chances of having the experience you’re hoping for.
10 Wildlife Sighting Tips for Beginners
Regardless of the animal, bird or wildlife you’re hoping to see, there are some general tips to help you have an unforgettable, safe and respectful experience while in Algonquin.
Time: Go wildlife watching in the evening or at dawn - these are the best times to see birds and animals
Tools: Take binoculars - you won’t regret having these on hand
Tracks: Look for tracks. If you can’t see the real thing, look for evidence of their tracks in the sand.
Pictures: Take pictures - at a respectful distance - of what you see and input them into iNaturalist for possible identification. You might be surprised at what you find.
Driving: Keep your eyes open while driving - both for wildlife sightings and to drive safely.
Backcountry: Explore the backcountry - go canoeing and hiking.
Quiet: Stay still and silent - nature will come to you if you’re respectful and patient
Expertise: Talk to the locals - they often have the best tips for where to see animals
Listen: Listen, really listen - you can often hear wildlife before you see them
Look: Think big and small - there is beauty all around us. Whether it’s a tiny snail, a toad, or a majestic moose - you can find joy all around you!
9 Popular Animals You Can See in Algonquin
While there are thousands of species in Algonquin Park, there are some that are more popular than others when it comes to the average camper’s bucket list. Here are 9 popular animals most wildlife watchers hope to see in Algonquin Park:
Black Bear
Bald Eagle
Learn more about some of the more popular animals below.
Also read: Camping in Canada - The Ultimate Guide
Moose and Deer Sightings in Algonquin
Can you spot a Moose?

Algonquin is one of the best places in the world to spot a moose. There isn’t a guarantee that you’ll see one of the over 3,000 moose that live here in Algonquin Park, but anyone who has seen one will tell you it’s an unforgettable experience. If you’re hoping to encounter a moose here’s a few tips:
Keep your eyes open as you drive along Hwy60 - they are often spotted along the edges of the highway
Hike along the wetlands - try Spruce Bog Boardwalk and Mizzy Lake Trail
Go canoeing in the backcountry and bring binoculars
Nose to nose with a Deer

John personally came nose to nose with a full size doe (female) dear when he was out for a hike up on Granny’s cliff a couple years back. That’s the big hill at the back of the property at about 450m above sea level. Last year we had a visit by a doe and a fawn on two different occasions at Four Corners - visitors spotted them on the roads before they ran into the woods. We have also seen moose on our trail cameras that we have placed near our cabin. It’s rare, but keep an eye out - you might see one too!
What About Bears Near My Site?
The MNR says there is one black bear for every four square kilometres, so they are around for sure. We have taken images of them on our trail cams, and on very rare occasions, we have seen them in person. One night the lights from my vehicle scared one into the forest as I approached our cabin, and all I saw was his big hind end lumber off into the forest. We occasionally get reports from campers who hear snorting or pawing at night time, but it doesn’t happen often, and we have never had a confirmed camper sighting of a bear. We have no animals habituated to finding food on site, so there is no reason for them to stay, even if they do come. Although it’s always a possibility, my guess is that your chances of seeing a bear are probably better in the park than here at Four Corners.
If you’re worried about bears, we recommend checking out these black bear safety tips - and please do know, that we follow all of these guidelines strictly here at Four Corners.

Did you know? Wildlife watching is considered a form of forest bathing. Learn more in What is Forest Bathing?
Are there wolves in Algonquin?
Another unforgettable experience is hearing a wolf pack howl and hunt at night - something that our guests do commonly experience hearing here at Four Corners Algonquin.
We often see wolf tracks in the sand on our property and just as often you can hear them howling in the night if you listen in the wee hours of the morning (3-5amish). But it’s pretty rare to see one in person.
John tells my absolute favourite wolf story… he was talking with some campers staying in the Chickadee tent who were really hopeful about seeing a wolf. He explained where they might look and they had a great chat, after which the campers went to their tent and turned in for the night. No sooner had they parted ways than John turned around and saw a wolf walking toward him down the lane right past the Chickadee tent. But alas, there was no way to alert the campers in time to see the animal pass by.
Learn more about Algonquin Park wolf holding expeditions.
Funny Racoon Stories and Sightings
Racoons are noisy little fellows. We had a trio who lived at a neighbour who visited us every night at our little cabin in the woods for almost a whole season a while back. They came so often we named them the Three Amigos. They were noisy, really really messy, and so chubby that one actually lost his grip and fell out of a tree one night when we came out to see what the fuss was. The neighbour stopped feeding them, and since we take the garbage off site every night, they really had no reason to visit any more after that. But you may still see one on occasion.
While some campers may think that raccoons are a bit of a nuisance, with the right tips and attitude, these critters are usually more of a funny sight to see than anything else.
Birdwatching: Spotting Red-headed Woodpeckers

That familiar knocking sound almost always comes from our red-headed woodpecker friends. We see them all summer long here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you hear or see them too. We have one that wakes us up every morning like clockwork at about 5am when he pecks on the steel STOP sign leading up to our cabin. You’d think he’d learn the hard way that steel is not good for his beak, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
Hearing the sound of a woodpecker is quite majestic. There are many beautiful birds to see in Algonquin and in South Algonquin. We recommend you bring binoculars and are ready to sit peacefully in the woods. Check out thesebird watching tips from The Friends of Algonquin Provincial Park.
Campsite Chipmunks
We get a ton of chipmunks and you will see them, I almost guarantee it.
These little guys are the reason you can’t leave tissues lying around to burn later. They’ll steal them and drag them all over camp for nesting material. The good news, if you bring peanuts in shells with you, they’re so friendly you can coax them to eat right out of your hand. We discovered this personally about three summers ago. We called the little fellow Jacob Two-Two because he wouldn’t leave until you gave him two peanuts!
Go gobbling with our Wild Turkeys

Many of you who were here last year met Clifford - our resident wild male turkey. He struts around the fringes of the forest looking for food, usually in the cool of the morning. He has two females that follow him around and last year they produced babies, so there were about a dozen wild turkeys. You’ll have to look hard to see them though. Their camouflage is fantastic. While seeing a wild turkey might not be at the top of your list for must-see wildlife encounters, the joy, delight and laughter spotting these turkeys brings is well worth the sighting.
We seem to have an increasing number of rabbits living on the property. In the summer they’re brown and flecked and really blend in with the forest colours. But they’re not shy about coming out in the open. They won’t get close to you, but they’ll let you have a really good look as they hop around.